Learnings in Life At The 25-Year Milestone

Like sand in the wind, the years fly by, bringing with them learnings in life...
Here I stand, at a crossroads… | Photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels

Experience is the best teacher… or so they say. Life has a way of throwing curveball after curveball at you, offering little breathing room between every swing you take. In the roaring rapids of existence, nuggets of golden wisdom ride the waters, watching you strive to stay afloat. What’s stopping you from grabbing every single one that catches your eye? The impact of the riptide and rogue waves battering you with every wrong move you make. It takes true grit to reach for those ingots sparkling with learnings in life. Once within your grasp, however, they become central to your existence, shaping your individuality in myriad ways.

The Silver Lining

What word would best define the first third of my life? Metamorphosis is a hot contender; I don’t recognize the shell of who I was even three years ago. My thirst for knowledge and answers also flowed inward. Why should I be content with factual answers when philosophical questions were right there, waiting for me to sink my teeth into them? Trying to make sense of the constant flux of my formative years took a lot of brainpower and introspection. I’m sure anyone my age can relate to that, some of my life lessons have come from observing their paths with rapt attention. Like a shapeshifting jigsaw puzzle, the pieces flitted about in a frenzy, but bit by bit, the big picture came into clear focus. Do I wish things had been smoother? Yes. Would I trade the wisdom that came from the trials in that period? Absolutely not.

What is the true weight of my 25 years on this planet? In celebration of this milestone, I’ll be jogging down memory lane and reflecting on all the learnings in life that are strewn across the road. A quick disclaimer before we get started, however: I am not doling out life advice here, nor am I passing indirect judgment on ways to live life. The following pointers are based on my experience and little else. If you can relate and find a solid takeaway somewhere in this list, splendid! Let’s dive right in.

When the gloves come off, don’t pull your punches.

Knowing how to face conflict and stand your ground is a vital skill. Some find it easier than others, but there’s always a learning curve to it. The moral dilemma associated with using drastic methods to resolve conflict is bound to occur at some point or the other. What if they’re someone you care about? The natural resolution arrives when you realize that the hypothetical line starts and ends with you. If people are coming at you with intent to cause harm (in any sense of the term), you are not obliged to show them compassion.

Yes, turning the other cheek sounds rosy on paper, but the world favors practicality more. If push comes to shove, don’t hesitate to do what it takes to protect yourself. Don’t use that as an excuse to hurt people out of spite, however. Even the most hardcore martial arts out are staunch advocates of self-defense as the sole use clause!

Focus on learnings in life that add quality of knowledge over quantity.

When stepping into adulthood, there’s a fair amount of knowledge you’re expected to have right out of the gate. When there’s no safety net between you and the world, your perspective shifts to a new plane. People sit up and take notice when you have something to say. That is a responsibility, not a gift. Yes, it’s important to stay in the loop about current affairs, but that does not give you free rein to express your opinion on anything under the sun. There is no shame in admitting you don’t know enough about something to weigh in. Saying an honest “I don’t know” will make you far more palatable than faking knowledge on a topic. Always be informed before you speak, but on a more important note, be yourself.

Empathy is one of the greatest learnings in life.

If you see a chance to be kind, take it. Compassion costs nothing.

Of late, the world has been masked by a layer of negativity, sapping people of their spirits as they sit prisoner to an invisible menace. Under these circumstances, the importance of compassion and pure humanity has found a crevice to shine through. It’s easy to get caught up in self-absorbed pursuits, more so at a stage when you yourself are learning the ropes in life. So is everyone else, however! People fight battles we know nothing about, so the least we can do is be considerate. When you feel a sudden impulse of generosity, listen to it. Do whatever is in your power to make the world a better place. The Earth spins on its axis, so perhaps some of that kindness will find its way back to you when you need it the most!

Your play for success should always have a plan for failure.

Growing up, you’ll often hear that sheer self-belief and effort will suffice to see you through the finish line. What about the factors you can’t control that are watching your every move? Most learnings in life come from picking yourself up and dusting yourself off after a loss. If you can evolve beyond that loss using the hard lessons it teaches you, there’s nothing quite like it. A contingency plan will help you brace for impact and cushion the brunt of the hard landing, if only by a bit. Reserve your emotions for success and your logic for failure. With this balance in clear focus, nothing can stop you from blazing your trail!

Money and finance management are learnings in life that pay off, literally.

“Money can’t buy happiness” might be one of the most clichĂ© statements out there, but it’s not without merit. Funds can’t buy happiness, but it can buy a comfortable life and pay the bills, which is a prerequisite for peace of mind. It comes and goes, but what you do with it while it’s in your pocket matters more than you may think. No matter what line of work you’re in, knowing how to manage your money is crucial to future-proof your life. You’re expected to learn these mandatory skills on the fly, which is dismal, to say the least. If you learn to spend and save wisely early on, your future will be stable. On the subject of financial management, watch the blog space for an update on that very topic soon!

25 years down, I know not how many more to go. All I know is that I’m ready to evolve above and beyond any hurdles in the road, to be the best I can be in this life.

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