The Lynx

JK, The Literate Lynx

“Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.” – Immanuel Kant

I’m JK, a writer by profession and passion. You’re probably wondering though, why the lynx?

Well, for one, it’s decent wordplay, especially with blog links. Two, it’s a spirit animal of sorts, treading its own path. It may not be the biggest or the baddest cat, but it’s an all-round hunter.

That’s the idea behind this blog, to explore topics on life that chase a deeper meaning to existence. I’m always one to ponder about the concepts of life and the spinning rims that are part of it. 

I also write on Miraquill, albeit in a more poetic sense. If you want to get in touch with me for content and writeups, head over here!

Discover the lynx’s path to new horizons of living life! Happy tracking!